Xebec Ceramic Stones™

Xebec Ceramic Stones


  • Perfect for Precise finishing of detailed surfaces, curves, ribs, bosses, etc., of various forming dies (especially plastic dies).
  • High finishing efficiency can be attained without clogging, even for metals such as aluminum, copper, gun metal, etc., which clogs with common finishers.
  • Use on narrow areas where other stones cannot be used because of breaking.
  • Use on complex shapes where uniform finishing could not be attained.
  • Meister Finisher finishes coarse surfaces after electro-discharge machining.


  • High finishing efficiency is realised by the crystal structure of the alumina fibres, which is optimum for finishing.
  • Finishing efficiency and strength have been improved by the two way liner structure, which prevents side slipping.
  • High accuracy of surfaces can be attained by the uniform fibre diameter.
  • No dropping of abrasive grain particles that can create linear scratches.
  • Little heat generation that minimises workpiece alteration and finisher deterioration.
  • Various finisher shapes can be used according to purpose.

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Xebec Ceramic Stone™ Meister-Resistant

The standard range of Xebec Meister Finish Stones feature alumina fibres very accurately graded. The abrasive is enclosed in a resin matrix for high strength. For use by hand or with power polishers / ultrasonic polishers

  • Uniform finishing attained by uniform fibre diameter
  • High strength, not easy to break or tear
  • No clogging
  • Simple removal of troublesome fine burrs
  • Higher finishing efficiency due to crystal structure of alumina fibres
  • No dropping of abrasive grain particles that could create linear scratches
  • Highly efficient finishing of coarse electro-discharge machining surfaces

Size (mm) Red Grit 1200 White Grit 1000 Blue Grit 800 Black Grit 600 Orange Grit 400 Light Brown Grit 300 Dark Brown Grit 220 Purple Grit 120
0.3 x 4 x 100 312862 312757 312943 312758 313024 313064 313105 -
0.4 x 4 x 100 312863 312903 312944 312984 313025 313065 313106 -
0.5 x 4 x 100 312610 312611 312612 312613 312614 312615 312616 -
0.5 x 4 x 150 312864 312904 312945 312985 313026 313066 313107 -
0.5 x 6 x 100 312617 312618 312619 312620 312621 312622 312623 -
0.5 x 6 x 150 312865 312905 312946 312986 313027 313067 313108 -
0.5 x 10 x 100 312866 312906 312947 312987 313028 313068 313109 -
0.5 x 10 x 150 312698 312699 312700 312701 312702 312703 312704 -
0.8 x 4 x 100 312624 312625 312626 312627 312628 312629 312471 -
0.8 x 4 x 150 312718 312719 312720 312721 312722 312723 312724 -
0.8 x 6 x 100 312630 312631 312632 312633 312634 312635 312636 -
0.8 x 6 x 150 312867 312907 312948 312988 313029 313069 313110 -
0.8 x 10 x 100 312637 312638 312639 312640 312641 312642 312643 -
0.8 x 10 x 150 312868 312908 312949 312989 313030 313070 313111 -
1.0 x 1 x 100 312869 312909 312950 312990 313031 313071 313112 -
1.0 x 2 x 100 312870 312910 312951 312991 313032 313072 313113 313142
1.0 x 4 x 100 312644 312645 312646 312647 312455 312452 312449 312740
1.0 x 4 x 150 312725 312726 312727 312728 312729 312730 312731 313143
1.0 x 6 x 100 312648 312649 312650 312651 312456 312453 312450 312741
1.0 x 6 x 150 312871 312911 312952 312992 313033 313073 312752 313144
1.0 x 8 x 100 312652 312653 312654 312655 312656 312657 312658 312742
1.0 x 8 x 150 312872 312912 312953 312993 313034 313074 313114 313145
1.0 x 10 x 100 312659 312660 312661 312662 312663 312454 312451 312743
1.0 x 10 x 150 312873 312913 312954 312994 313035 313075 312465 313146
1.5 x 1.5 x 100 312874 312914 312955 312995 313036 313076 313115 -
1.5 x 4 x 100 312875 312915 312956 312996 313037 313077 313116 313147
1.5 x 4 x 150 312876 312916 312957 312997 313038 313078 313117 313148
1.5 x 6 x 100 312877 312917 312958 312998 313039 313079 312755 313149
1.5 x 6 x 150 312878 312918 312959 312999 313040 313080 312734 313150
1.5 x 10 x 100 312879 312919 312960 313000 313041 313081 313118 313151
1.5 x 10 x 150 312880 312920 312961 313001 313042 313082 313119 313152
2.0 x 2 x 100 312881 312921 312962 313002 313043 313083 313120 -
2.0 x 4 x 100 312882 312922 312963 313003 312464 313084 313121 313153
2.0 x 4 x 150 312883 312923 312964 313004 313044 313085 313122 313154
2.0 x 6 x 100 312884 312924 312965 313005 313045 313086 313123 313155
2.0 x 6 x 150 312885 312925 312966 313006 313046 313087 312753 313156
2.0 x 10 x 100 312886 312926 312967 313007 313047 313088 313124 313157
2.0 x 10 x 150 312887 312927 312968 313008 313048 313089 313125 313158
3.0 x 4 x 100 312888 312928 312969 313009 313049 313090 313126 313159
3.0 x 4 x 150 312889 312929 312970 313010 313050 313091 313127 313160
3.0 x 6 x 100 312890 312930 312971 313011 313051 313092 313128 313161
3.0 x 6 x 150 312891 312931 312972 313012 313052 313093 312754 313162
3.0 x 10 x 100 312892 312932 312973 313013 313053 313094 313129 313163
3.0 x 10 x 150 312893 312933 312974 313014 313054 313095 313130 313164
Ø 1 x 50  312894 312934 312975 313015 313055 313096 313131 -
Ø 1 x 100  312895 312935 312976 313016 313056 313097 313132 -
Ø 1.5 x 50  312896 312936 312977 313017 313057 313098 313133 -
Ø 1.5 x 100  312897 312937 312978 313018 313058 313099 313134 -
Ø 2 x 50  312898 312938 312979 313019 313059 313100 313135 -
Ø 2 x 100  312899 312939 312980 313020 313060 313101 313136 -
Ø 2.34 x 50  312900 312940 312981 313021 313061 313102 313137 -
Ø 2.34 x 100  312901 312941 312982 313022 313062 313103 313138 -
Ø 3 x 50  312466 312467 312474 312468 312473 312469 312470 -
Ø 3 x 100  312664 312665 312666 312667 312668 312669 312670 -
Ø 3 x 150  312902 312942 312983 313023 313063 313104 313139 -
Ø 6 x 50  - - - - - - 313140 -
Ø 6 x 100  - - - - - - 313141 -
Size (mm) Pink Grit 3000 Cream Grit 2000 Yellow Grit 1500
Ø 1 x 50  PR-10S  PW-10S  PB-10S 
Ø 1 x 100  PR-10M  PW-10M  PB-10M 
Ø 1.5 x 50  PR-15S  PW-15S  PB-15S 
Ø 1.5 x 100  PR-15M  PW-15M  PB-15M 
Ø 2 x 50  PR-20S  PW-20S  PB-20S 

Xebec Ceramic Stone™ Heat-Resistant

Offer resistance to temperatures up to 200C. Having the same performamnce as the Meister range, and are most suitable for removing EDM scales. Ideal for use in ultrasonic polishers

  • Heat resistant up to 200°C
  • Ideal for prolonged use with ultrasonic tools
  • Suitable for removing EDM scales
  • Same performance as Xebec Meister Finish ceramic stones (Doesn’t break, doesn’t crack, excellent sharpness)
  • Can lap deep slits for ribs

Size (mm) Purple Grit 120 Dark Brown Grit 220 Orange Grit 400 Blue Grit 800 Red Grit1200
1.0 x 4 x 100 HV-1004M HD-1004M HO-1004M HB-1004M HR-1004M
1.0 x 6 x 100 HV-1006M HD-1006M HO-1006M HB-1006M HR-1006M
1.0 x 10 x 100 HV-1010M HD-1010M HO-1010M HB-1010M HR-1010M
2.0 x 4 x 100 HV-2004M HD-2004M HO-2004M HB-2004M HR-2004M
2.0 x 6 x 100 HV-2006M HD-2006M HO-2006M HB-2006M HR-2006M
2.0 x 10 x 100 HV-2010M HD-2010M HO-2010M HB-2010M HR-2010M

Xebec Ceramic Stone™ Diamond

Have diamond embedded in layers enabling them to be used to the end without losing sharpness. As the abrasive is granular, diamond stones cut on the side as well as the tip. Suitable on hard materials such as hardened steels, Tungsten carbide and ceramics

  • Efficiently and cleanly polishes materials harder than HRC57 such as cemented carbide and hardened steel (SKD, DC, STAVAX, HPM, ASP etc)
  • Suitable for removing EDM scales, polishing ribs and deburring from edges and corners
  • Both the Stick and the Rod types can be used to polish with the tip or the sides of the tools
  • More efficient than electroplated diamond files and hand lappers.
  • Can polish efficiently wet or dry
  • Can be used even more efficiently when attached to tools (electric, air or ultrasonic)
  • Can be processed into the desired shape, such as a thinner tip

Size (mm) Purple Grit 200 Dark Brown Grit 400 Blue Grit 800 Red Grit1200
1.0 x 4 x 100 DM-1004M DF-1004M DS-1004M DU-1004M
1.0 x 6 x 100 DM-1006M DF-1006M DS-1006M DU-1006M
1.0 x 10 x 100 DM-1010M DF-1010M DS-1010M DU-1010M
3 x 50   PDF30S    
3 x 100   PDF30M    

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