Automatic Metallographic Abrasive Cutter Machine

Specimen integrity begins with high quality cutting. Perfectly cut surfaces reduce the number of subsequent preparation stages and shorten the total sample preparation time to the minimum. SERVOCUT 402 offers the advantage of combining different cutting techniques and methods into the same machine to obtain superior cut surfaces for a broad range of heavy duty cutting applications.

servocut 401 metallographic cutting machine

SERVOCUT 402 has X-Y-Z triple axes cutting capability: Z-axis Chop cutting: The specimen is clamped and the cut-off wheel approaches the specimen. Y-axis Table-feed cutting: Feeding the clamped specimen into a rotating cut-off wheel using a T-slotted feed table. X-axis Parallel Cutting (optional): Parallel serial sectioning in the x-axis with optional movable x-bed.

servocut 401 closeup

Large cutting chamber with various clamping devices

SERVOCUT 402 consists of a cast aluminium base on which the motor and the working space are provided in the from of two separate housings. A large window of Lexan and a sealed LED lamp in the cuttting chamber allow precise observation of the cutting process at an optimum degree of safety. A standard 80 mm dia. outlet for fume extraction is at the back of the hood. A large, T-slotted feed table located in the cutter’s generous work area can accommodate a variety of different clamping devices which need to be selected. The feed table provides a long travel depth making the SERVOCUT 402 ideal for cutting long or deep samples in a single pass. Side access port makes it possible to make transverse sections on long specimens. Stainless small parts tray to catch small specimens is supplied with the cutting table as standard.

SERVOCUT 402 cutting machine has the highest safety standards. The interlocking safety device does not allow the motor to be started unless the hood is closed. The hood can not be opened before the cutting motor is stopped. The electronic brake system, whih is a standard feature, brings the cutter to a quick full stop in seconds after it has been switched off.

Automatic Operation

SERVOCUT 402 automatic models have advanced techniques and software with programmable HMI touch screen controls increasing the productivity, sample consistency and operator comfort.

Cutting Methods

Chop cutting ( Z-axis ) and Table feed cutting ( Y-axis ) combined with pulse cutting in automatic models is standard.

Optional Cutting Methods:

Diagonal Cut - for increased cutting capacity.
Step Cut - for extra hard materials
Segment Cut - for difficult workpieces

Multi-Slice Cutting:

The optional automatic x-table allows programmable plane parallel sectioning. Slices of equal thickness with number of slices as well as programming slices of different thickness is possible.

Cutting Parameters:

The preselection of the cutting force level as well as the setting of cutting feed rate (0,02-5mm/sec) is possible from the touch screen LCD. The feed rate is automatically adjusted, if needed reduced, resulting in perfect cuts and eliminating sample and machine damage. Pulse cutting mode is a standard feature in all automatic models for cutting extra hard specimens. Optional speed regulating unit is available to adjust the cut-off wheel speed between 600-2400 rpm.

Programmable Return Positions

SERVOCUT 402 has 3 different stop modes: Stay at the end of cutting: Stops when the specimen has been cut through. Back to starting point: Stops when it has returned to its starting point. Back to reference point: Stops when the ultimate reset point in all axes has been reached.


A library of 99 different cutting programs with related specimen name or number can be saved with all cutting parameters which can be recalled at anytime. Data with cutting consumables is also listed for easy selection.

Clamping Devices

Many sample preparations applications require the sectioning of a specimen from a small or irregularly shaped sample or component part. The small size or irregular sample shape can create positioning and clamping difficulties for the operator. To overcome these difficulties, Kemet offers a number of special clamping devices for use with SERVOCUT abrasive cutters. Cut-off machines are equipped with stainless T - slot clamping tables. All clamping devices are made of stainless steel and can be attached to the cutters T - slot beds in seconds for fast and positive clamping of parts having virtually any configuration.

Cooling System

A closed loop recirculating cooling unit is a recommended option for the cutting machines. The cutting surface is cooled by spray nozzles whose water jets hit both the cutting wheel and the specimen. This provides an efficient cooling of the sample and prevents the overheating of the surface structure.

For cutting materials which generate a lot of swarf or for higher volume usage, we recommend “ Band filter Unit ” which is optionally available. It is environmentally friendly filtering the coolant and depositing the swarf in a separate container for easy disposal.


Cleaning & Maintenance is an important job and can be time-consuming. The AutoClean function provides a thorough cleaning of the entire cutting chamber. The AutoClean function reduces operator effort, saves time and lowers maintenance while improving overall operation and accuracy of the instrument. The cleaning gun which is mounted externally for easy access can be used for cleaning the remained residual on horizontal surfaces.

Chop Cutting, Z Axis Manual Manual Automatic
Table Feed Cutting, Y Axis Automatic Automatic Automatic
Parallel Cutting, X Axis Manual (Optional) Manual/Automatic (Opt.) Automatic (Optional)
HMI Touch Screen, (inch) - 7" 7"
Step;Segment;Diagonal Cut - Optional Optional
Rapid Pulse Cutting - Yes Yes
Smart Feed Control - Yes Yes
Max. wheel Diameter, (mm) Ø 400 Ø 400 Ø 400
Max. Cutting Capacity (mm) Ø150 Ø150 Ø150
Max. Cutting Capacity # (mm) 85 x 350 85 x 350 85 x 350
Y Axis Travel, (mm) 300 300 300
X Axis Travel, (mm) 150 (Optional) 150 (Optional) 150 (Optional)
Z Axis Travel, (mm) 255 255 255
T-Slot table dimension, mm (WxD) 550 x 484 550 x 484 550 x 484
T-Slot dimension, (mm) 12 12 12
Cutting Power kW (S1) 7.5 7.5 7.5
Wheel Speed, rpm 600-2400 600-2400 600-2400
Cutting Feedrate, (µm/s) - 20-5000 20-5000
Size, WxDxH, (cm) 114 x 112 x 169 114 x 112 x 169 114 x 112 x 169
Weight, (kgs) 600 600 600
Cooling Unit, (lt) 135 135 135

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