Geological & Petrography Consumables for Thin Section Preparation

Diamond Cut-off Wheels

Continuous rim, diamond coated cut off wheels for Petrographic sample preparation.

Diameter Thickness Arbor Code Type / Materials
75mm 0.15mm 12.7mm 600032 Low concentration Metal Bond for ceramics, glass and geological samples.
100mm 0.3mm 12.7mm 600033
125mm 0.4mm 12.7mm 600034
150mm 0.5mm 12.7mm 600035
175mm 0.6mm 12.7mm 600036
200mm 0.8mm 12.7mm 600037
100mm 0.4mm 12.7mm 600038 Continuous Rim Diamond Cut off Wheels for Petrography.
150mm 1.0mm 12.7mm 600044
200mm 1.35mm 12.7mm 600048
250mm 1.35mm 32mm 600049
300mm 1.6mm 32mm 600059
350mm 2.4mm 32mm 600075
Diamond Cut off Wheels

Cutting & Coolant Fluid & Anti Rust Agent

Kemet Cutting and Coolant Fluid is a mineral oil-free, water-miscible cutting fluid that provides excellent corrosion protection and is completely free on nitrate, chlorine and zinc. Product code - 600096

The Anti Rust Agent is for use with cut off wheels and lapping slurries to avoid corrosion or oxidation of machines and specimens.

Cutting and Coolant Fluid

Kemet Dressing Stick

For use with Kemet Cut Off Wheels.

Size Quantity Code
25 x 25 x 150 mm Each 362240
dressing stick

Diamond Cup Wheels

Range of diamond cup grinding wheels for petrography, for use with the KemTech Geo. Other sizes available on request.

Size Micron Code
Ø 175 mm 65 345965
diamond grinding wheel

Molds for Rock Samples

A wide range of mounting molds which can be used in conjunction with all Kemet cold mounting resins.

  • KM Acrylic Resin Mold - detachable aluminum base (non-reusable)
  • Teflon Mold - reusable with detachable base
  • Rubber Mold - one piece (reusable)

Description Quantity Code
KM Acrylic Molds 25mm dia. Pk 30 600070
KM Acrylic Molds 30mm dia. Pk 50 600753
Teflon Molds 20mm dia. Pk 5 600723
Teflon Molds 25mm dia. Pk 5 600724
Teflon Molds 30mm dia. Pk 5 600710
Teflon Molds 40mm dia. Pk 5 600725
Teflon Molds 50mm dia. Pk 5 600726
Rubber Molds 55 x 30mm. Pk 5 600727
Rubber Molds 70 x 40mm. Pk 5 600728
Rubber Molds 100 x 50mm. Pk 5 600729
Rubber Molds 25mm dia. Pk 5 600062
Rubber Molds 30mm dia. Pk 5 600063
Rubber Molds 40mm dia. Pk 5 600064
Cups and stirrers Pk 100 600058
250xx measuring cup and stirrer Pk 5 600730
Stainless steel clips Pk 100 600050
Plastic clips Pk 100 600053
Silicon free mold release spray 500ml 600158
mounting moulds for rock samples

Cold Mounting Resins & Transparent Dye's

Type Application Cure Time Shrinkage Hardness Color Mix Ratios Contents Resin & Hardener Kit
KEP Epoxy General purpose epoxy with very low shrinkage 10h at 25C Low 75 Shore D Clear 2:1 by weight 1kg resin 600410
500g hardener
KEPT Epoxy Porous materials, coatings and electronic components 1kg resin 600411
500g hardener
Kemset Transparent Dye For creating a ‘see-through’ Colored finish - - - Blue Dye added to achieve the required depth
of Color
20g 600415
Yellow 600416
Green 600417
resins for petrography

Diamond Grinding Discs for Petrography

Diamond Grinding Discs Ø Disc (mm)
Grit Micron Color 200 250 300
120 107 Yellow 343581 343577 343573
220 76 Green 343582 343578 343574
600 30 Blue/Black 343583 343579 343575
diamond grinding disc for petrography

Diamond Grinding - Diaflex

Diaflex self-adhesive nickel bond diamond discs or sheets can be used after slab sawing of rock samples to produce a flat surface, removing cutting marks quickly, leaving a surface that can be bonded or lapped. A typical process would be 125µ Diaflex followed by 36µ Diaflex. The Diaflex combines long life and aggressive cutting action to maximise productivity of sections.

Grade Dimensions
200mm 250mm 300mm
Black (N)
Grit 120, 125 Micron
342002 342026 342027
Red (N)
Grit 200, 74 Micron
342005 342028 342029
Yellow (N)
Grit 400, 40-50 Micron
342007 342030 342031
White (N)
Grit 800, 20-30 Micron
342008 342033 342034

Diamond Suspension

Aquapol is the next generation of water based diamond suspensions for sample preparation. Available in monocrystalline (Aquapol-M) and polycrystalline (Aquapol-P). Aquapol is easy to clean and non-foaming. Uniform suspension of diamond particles

  • No agitation required
  • ZERO Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC*)

Aquapol-M diamond suspension

Water Based Monocrystalline Diamond suspension. zero voc

Micron 400g 1 Litre
1/10 219471 219490
1/4 219459 219491
1/2 219457 219492
1 219450 219493
3 219440 219494
6 219448 219495
9 219442 219496
15 219444 219497
25 219446 219498

Aquapol-P diamond suspension

Water Based Polycrystalline diamond suspension. zero voc

Micron 400g 1 Litre
1/10 219472 219484
1/4 219461 219485
1/2 219463 219486
1 219452 219487
3 219453 219488
6 219454 219482
9 219455 219483
15 219456 219489

Note to users of WM/WP suspensions – these are still available

diamond suspension for petrography

Lubricating Fluids

  • Assists Kemet Diamond Products to cut and polish more effectively by absorbing frictional heat and diluting the lapping residue
  • Manufactured from high purity chemicals
  • Oil based is available for processes where water based is unsuitable

Type Soluble in Color Description 1 Litre 2.5 Litres 5 Litres
Blue Water Blue Alcohol based. Improves cutting and polishing performance. 301158 301156 301159
GW2 Water Light green For use with Kemet Diamond Suspension. 301105 301108 301107
R OS2 Oil Red For use where water is not permitted. 301511 301512 301141
W9 Water Clear For use with Aquapol suspensions 301528 301527 301529
lubricating fluid for petrography

Polishing Pads for Petrography

Polishing pads enable flat polished surfaces to be produced on many softer materials. Kemet offer a wide range of self-adhesive and metallic backed polishing pads.

Name Type Description Use with
Recommended Diamond
Micron size
Diameter (mm) Color
200 250 300
PSU-M Chemo-textile
These are manufactured to the highest standards with accurately controlled uniform thickness. Non woven pads manufactured specially for polishing processes.
These medium and hard
chemo-textile cloths are for
smoothing and polishing operations.
15 micron
and finer
341008 341009 341010 Chemo textile Cloth psu-m
341811 341812 341813
The ultra-hard chemo-textile cloth used where fast cutting is needed. 341017 341028 341039 Chemo textile Cloths Pad-K
341058 341029 341030
LIL-Plus Nap Cloths
For final polishing stages of preparation, Kemet nap type cloths are available with a range of softness and nap length. They give a more gentle polish, and are ideal for softer specimens and components. All cloths
are self-adhesive unless marked ‘plain’.
A long nap synthetic cloth. 3 micron
and finer
341611 341610 341609 nap cloth LIL
LIL Plus-M
341289 341290 341291
MRE Synthetic flock on a flexible
waterproof carrier. A more heavy duty cloth.
6 micron
and finer
341712 341716 341714  
341815 341816 341817 nap cloth MRE

Abrasive Lapping Powders

Kemet offer a wide range of abrasive lapping powders and pastes suited for lapping of Petrographic Material.

Silicon Carbide Powder

For lapping of Petrographic Material

Grit 1kg 5kg
180 361540S 361541
220 362320S 361531
320 361533S 361617
400 361673S 361512
600 361513S 361563
800 362264S 362161
1000 361671S 361535
1200 361652S 361537

Aluminum Oxide Powder

For smoothing operations

Micron 5kg
3 361607
5 361618
9 361555
12.8 361510
17 361619
23 361554
29 361620

Water soluble pastes are also available

silicon carbide for lapping of Petrographic Material

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