Automatic Milling Machine for Sample Preparation

SPECTRAL MM is an automatic milling machine for fast milling of non-ferrous and steel samples for emmission and X-ray spectrometer analysis. Automatic fine surface milling guarantees the highest level of reproducibility through automatic processing of the specimen. SPECTRAL MM has a robust and reliable design with low noise and emmission levels. It is completely enclosed and sound-insulated with LED spot-light. The front cover can be completely opened for easy access to all sides.

spectral mm milling machine

SPECTRAL MM is equipped with automatic sample feed with fine speed control. Fast advance and reverse are available. All important parameters of the milling process like feedrate, milling depth, spindle speed are adjustable on the touch screen LCD. The spindle speed can be adjusted to different materials to achieve optimum surfaces. Reproducible flat surfaces are obtained with column mounted on taper bearings.

SPECTRAL MM is suitable for different sample shapes (cylindrical, mushroom shaped etc.) with diameters upto 80 mm. It can be fitted with special cutter head with 8” diamond or tungsten carbide tips. Three-point-chuck is included in the standard scope of supply of the machine. Other additional clamping devices are available as optional accessories.

spectral mm clamping features
3-Jaw Chuck
Pneumatic Clamping Device
Mechnical Sample Clamping Device

SPECTRAL MM is equipped with highest level of the safety standards. Several safety circuits guarantee optimum protection for the operator. An electronic brake system is integrated to the system for a rapid stop of the milling head. The interlocking safety device does not allow the hood to be opened before the milling motor is stopped.

SPECTRAL MM has advanced techniques and software with programmable HMI touch screen controls increasing the productivity, sample consistency and operator comfort.

Controlled Material Removal

SPECTRAL MM allows you to preset the amount of material to be removed very accurately. The vertical movement of the milling head is motorized with digital positioning and display on the touch screen LCD. The robust design of the column guarantees high reproducibility. The material to be removed from the specimen can be preset in increments of 10 microns

Milling Parameters:

The preselection of the milling feed rate (0,1-5mm/sec) is possible from the touch screen LCD. The feed rate is automatically adjusted, if needed reduced, resulting in perfect surfaces and eliminating sample and machine damage.

Multi-pass Milling

SPECTRAL MM can be prorammed to make multi-pass milling operations. It is possible to set the number of passes and the milling depth of each pass which can be stored under a program number or name.

Programmable Return Positions

SPECTRAL MM has 3 different stop modes:
Auto stop: Stops when the specimen has been through.
Relative Stop: Stops when it has returned to its starting point.
Absolute Stop: Stops when the ultimate reset point in all axes has been reached.


A library of 25 different milling programs with related specimen name or number can be saved with all milling parameters which can be recalled at anytime. Data with milling tips is also listed for easy selection.

spectral mm features
Container for Milling Tips
Air Cooling System

Accessories for Spectral Milling Machine

Mechanical clamping device for samples upto 60 mm

Mechanical clamping device
for samples upto 60 mm


Pneumatic Clamping Device with 3-Jaws

Pneumatic Clamping Device
with 3-Jaws


Milling Head

Milling Head

GR 1808 63 mm for SPECTRAL MM
GR 1809 80 mm for SPECTRAL MM

Manual measuring tool for cutter positioning

Manual measuring tool
for cutter positioning


T-Slotted Table

T-Slotted Table


SPECTRAL Floor Cabinet

SPECTRAL Floor Cabinet

GR 1802-01 for SPECTRAL MM

Automatic Sample Height Measurement System for full cyclic operation

Automatic Sample Height
Measurement System for
full cyclic operation


Air cooling system

Air cooling system


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