Self Adhesive Waterproof Silicon Carbide

New improved Bramet with easy peel off adhesive, waterproof silicon carbide papers. No need for clamping or glueing, saving time when changing grit sizes.

Self Adhesive Waterproof Silicon Carbide

Bramet Strips

Available in two sizes 75mm x 275mm and 305mm x 305mm and in a variety of grits from 60 to 2500.

Pack of 10 75mm x 275mm 305mm x 305mm
Grit Code Code
60 342460 342471
80 342461 342472
120 342462 342473
180 342124 342135
240 342125 342164
320 342126 342476
400 342127 342477
600 342128 342478
800 342491 342479
1200 342134 342480
2500 N/A 342481

Bramet Discs

Available in a variety of diameters 150mm to 300mm and grit sizes from 60 to 4000.

Box of 100 150mm dia 200mm dia 250mm dia 300mm dia
Grit Code Code Code Code
60 342401 342412 342434 342445
80 342402 342413 342435 342446
120 342403 342414 342436 342447
180 342404 342415 342437 342448
240 342405 342416 342438 342449
320 342406 342417 342439 342450
400 342407 342418 342440 342451
600 342408 342419 342441 342452
800 342409 342420 342442 342453
1200 342410 342421 342443 342454
2500 342411 342422 342444 342455
4000   342663 342664 342665

Bramet Discs can also be used with the Kemtak fixing system

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