Diamond Slurry & Liquid Diamond

Our range of Diamond Slurries & Suspensions are available as oil soluble, water soluble or as emulsions, the chemical of the carrier fluid being carefully controlled to ensure that they are compatible with both the lapping plate and the components.

Manufactured to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Assurance standards.

Kemet’s liquid diamond products listed below offer:

  • Optimum viscosity and chemical composition of each Liquid Diamond & Diamond Slurry Product to give fast stock removal and superfine surface finishes
  • Easy and economic dispensing with Kemet Electronic Dispensing System, eliminating wastage and reducing lapping costs
  • Easy cleaning of components after lapping/polishing
  • Variety of carriers: Type K (oil /water soluble), Type W series (water soluble) and Type O (oil soluble)
  • Monocrystalline or Polycrystalline diamond structure
  • ZERO Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC*) - not classified as an atmospheric pollutant and offer health and safety benefits.
  • Wide range of diamond grades - 1 micron to 45 micron
  • Standard pack sizes of 400g, 2000g, with other sizes available on request

Diamond slurries

Diamond Suspensions are also available for Metallographic and Petrographic sample preparation.

*ZERO Volatile Organic Compounds. VOCs are organic chemicals that have a high vapour pressure at ordinary room temperature, some of which can be dangerous to human health and/or cause harm to the environment)
zero voc

Type K Diamond Slurry

An excellent, low viscosity oil/water emulsion suitable for all general purpose lapping. zero voc

Type O Diamond Slurry

An excellent, general purpose, low viscosity oil based suspension suitable for heavy parts and high volumes. zero voc

Micron Type K Type O
400g 2kg 400g 2kg
Standard Strong Extra Strong Standard Strong Extra Strong Standard Strong Extra Strong Standard Strong Extra Strong
A 1 211004 211024 - 211084 211105 - 216004 216024 - 216085 216104 -
2 211005 211025 - - - - 216005 216025 216045 216081 216105 216136
3 211006 211026 211046 211086 211106 211126 216006 216026 216046 216086 216106 216197
4.5 211007 211027 211047 211087 211107 211127 216007 216027 216047 216087 216108 216138
B 6 211008 211028 211054 211088 211108 211128 216008 216028 216048 216088 216107 216148
8 211009 211029 - 211089 211109 211129 216009 216029 216049 216089 216109 216140
10 211010 211030 211050 211085 211110 211130 216016 216030 216050 216095 216110 216141
14 211011 211031 211051 211091 211111 211131 216011 216031 216051 216092 216111 216149
C 25 211012 211032 211052 211092 211112 211133 216012 216032 216052 216090 216112 216143
45 211013 211033 211053 - - - 216013 216033 216053 216094 216113 216144

A = Final Polishing B = Lapping & Prepolishing C = Rapid Stock Removal

FastCut Liquid Diamond

The latest diamond abrasive slurry from our chemists, FastCut offers a water based solution that, in tests, exceed the performance of oil based products by as much as 25%.

  • The latest generation of water soluble liquid diamond
  • Excellent stock removal
  • Easy to clean
  • Non-foaming
  • Zero VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
  • Available from 1 Micron to 25 Micron in 400g or 2000g
  • Lubricating Fluid Type W9 recommended with FastCut
Description Product Code
400g 2000g
FastCut 1 Micron 219416 219417
FastCut 3 Micron 219418 219419
FastCut 6 Micron 219420 219421
FastCut 8 Micron 219422 219423
FastCut 14 Micron 219424 219425
FastCut 25 Micron 219426 219427
fast cut diamond

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